The emerging paradigms of female identity. Resignifying feminisms in university spaces

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Section: Artículos de investigación empírica


The article exposes the perceived changes in the identity of university students, associated with the resignification of the traditional role assigned to women and their emergence as political subjects. The approach to the study is of a comprehensive phenomenological qualitative character, to the extent that it is the participants who, through the narratives, reconstruct they're being a woman. For its part, it can be seen in the stories that the participants validate the university as a space that contributes to their resignification as women in terms of favoring their abilities such as: empowering themselves from language, personal assessment, self-demand, goal fulfillment, critical reflexivity, and professional skills development. In this way, they configure a new reading as social actors, resignifying their feminine identity and taking new political and social positions regarding feminism. In conclusion, the article states that, while the feminine is resignified, feminism is also resignified.

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Sonia Brito Rodríguez
Lorena Basualto Porra
Margarita Posada Lecompte
Brito Rodríguez, S., Basualto Porra, L., & Posada Lecompte, M. (2020). The emerging paradigms of female identity. Resignifying feminisms in university spaces. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (19). Retrieved from


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