Action and structure in Anthony Giddens’s sociological theory: a reading from the notion of capacity

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Section: Artículos de investigación empírica


Although Giddens has extensive production in different aspects of social theory, a fragment of his work is discussed here. Specifically, attention is focused on the structures and the way in which they order (structure) and reproduce the action. The structures appropriate resources and capabilities to interact with the agency. This process is "dual", in the sense that structure and action are mutually necessary. This article seeks to analyze the capacities of the structure in the Giddens theory, reviewing the existence of such capacities and defining their similarity and / or difference with those that the author assigns to the action.

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Jonatan Federico Leyton Muñoz
Leyton Muñoz, J. F. (2020). Action and structure in Anthony Giddens’s sociological theory: a reading from the notion of capacity. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (19). Retrieved from


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