A deterritorialized rhizomatic practice-theoretica Intervention in co-labor with the Felipe Camiroaga camp

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Section: Artículos de investigación empírica


The purpose of this paper is to present the training experience promoted by the Social Work career at the Andrés Bello University (UNAB) in collaboration with residents of the Felipe Camiroaga Settlement, located in Viña del Mar, Chile. Together they will develop a proposal to deconstruct, rethink and rebuild the intervention, from a critical transforming perspective.
Social interventions in Chile have been founded mostly from a positivist and neoliberal hegemony that fragments, reduces, reifies and sustains the theory / practice dichotomy and the hegemony of the homogeneous. This article will show another field of possibilities, based on new alliances, configuration of categories and critical views. The article will present transformative conceptual articulations, produced from the experience of collaborative social intervention with the inhabitants, through triads of analyzes produced such as: the rigid / the flexible / the flight; territory / deterritorialization / reterritorialization; spatial practice / representation of space / space in representation; the situated / the situational / the political; subalternity / antagonism / autonomy. The methodology contemplated ethnographic approaches and analysis of the discursive practice of the actors (residents, students and academics) who participated in the process.
Based on the results of this experience, it is expected to contribute political-academic projects co-constructed in social spaces of rhizomatic reassembly, which from the material and immaterial allow to re-look at the social.

Article Details

Rodrigo Cortés Mancilla
Cortés Mancilla, R. (2020). A deterritorialized rhizomatic practice-theoretica Intervention in co-labor with the Felipe Camiroaga camp. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (20), 78 - 101. Retrieved from https://tscuadernosdetrabajosocial.cl/index.php/TS/article/view/175


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