Adverse childhood experiences, family functioning and mental health.

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Section: Artículos de investigación empírica


Recent studies demonstrate a close relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), family functioning and the development of addictive behaviors in young adults with a focus on their early experiences. The objectives of this literature review were: 1) To deepen the construct of adverse childhood experience, 2) To link adverse childhood experience with the concept of family functioning, 3) To understand how life events constitute early life trauma. The literature review was conducted between December 2019 and April 2020. Methods: for the review, academic publications since 2010 were considered (except for justified cases that resorted to the first source), the search was conducted in academic Google, WOS, Scopus and Scielo, having as main filter the study of early adverse experiences, family functionality and addiction to psychoactive substances. Results: It is necessary to promote the processes of psychotherapeutic care from the recontextualization of addictive behavior, placing value on the history and life story, taking into account the lived experience of each person. It is necessary to promote the development of preventive and treatment policies focused on self-reporting of trauma, considering substance use as a symptom of deeper and more complex disorders, rooted in childhood, highlighting the importance of having healthier and protected children for a full and healthy adult life.

Article Details

Adolfo Alejandro Soto Lagos
Patricia Rubí González
Soto Lagos, A. A., & Rubí González, P. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences, family functioning and mental health. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (22), 11-24. Retrieved from


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