Systematization of Professional Training Practices in Social Work Motivations, Capabilities and Opportunities

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Section: Artículos de investigación empírica


This article reports on a process of systematization of the academic exercise as a teacher of professional practices in the career of Social Work during the years 2018 to date, which collects the perspectives of the different actors in the professional training process.This initiative arises from the need to know how the practices are perceived by the different actors involved, so the author's own teaching activity contributed to the reflection of the aspects presented here. In this sense, the workshops with students, the meetings and visits to the practice centers and the teaching meetings, constitute the recording tools from which the systematization experience is reconstructed.Based on the above, the systematization of the experience of professional practice in the training of students, the objective of recognizing the main enhancing aspects of the teaching-learning process in the professional practices of social work was raised, giving an account of the various ways in which students' practices are carried out, highlighting elements that are presented as strengths.The systematization process contributes to the generation of knowledge from the various social practices, in order to generate new knowledge and learning to be transferred, becoming a privileged environment for academic collaboration and a pedagogical tool.The article collects both aspects of the student's practice of Social Work and the different actors who participate in it, from a hermeneutical perspective of systematization.

Article Details

Karina Gatica Chandía
Chandía, K. G. (2021). Systematization of Professional Training Practices in Social Work Motivations, Capabilities and Opportunities. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (22), 72-85. Retrieved from


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