Analysis of dimensions of community resilience and management strategies deployed in socionatural disasters by families with social vulnerability.

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Section: Artículos de investigación empírica


The study analyzes the dimensions of community resilience and management strategies deployed in socio-natural disasters by families with social vulnerability. The research was quantitative, cross-sectional and with a sample consisting of 103 participants belonging to Greater Concepción. Among its main results, it is highlighted that communities manage to activate community resilience in the face of a catastrophic event, highlighting the dimension of emotional regulation, over well-being and social capital and positive collective efficacy. Finally, the situation of social vulnerability in the face of the concepts of community resilience and risk management is considered an obstacle when activating resources in an emergency, but at the same time, it does not constitute a conditioning factor in the acquisition of knowledge about risk management. disaster risk.

Article Details

Andrea Fuentes Aguilar
Daniela Arias Novoa
Martina Torres Pedreros
Luis Cuevas Soto
Fuentes Aguilar, A., Arias Novoa, D., Pedreros, M. T., & Cuevas Soto, L. (2022). Analysis of dimensions of community resilience and management strategies deployed in socionatural disasters by families with social vulnerability. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (24), 62-76. Retrieved from


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