Violencia Filio-Parental Económica: Un problema social complejo y en alza

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Section: Artículos de investigación empírica


Abstract: The main objective of this article is to deepen the knowledge about economic Child-to-Parent Aggression, considering that the current context of economic crisis and rise in school violence rates in Chile, become a scenario that works as a risk factor for this phenomenon. Added to this, other factors are presented that play the triggering role of these aggressions. Faced with which Social Work plays an important role both in the production of knowledge and in the generation of new explosions on this situation, since the presence of various types of violence that occur simultaneously when studying this phenomenon is identified, giving the violation of Human Rights to which both caregivers who are victims of attacks carried out by their children are exposed, as well as the children and adolescents themselves who could be replicating violent behaviors learned from their environment.

Article Details

Contreras-Sáez, M., Contreras-Cancino, T., Cornejo-Acevedo, N., & Fuenzalida-Arros, F. (2023). Violencia Filio-Parental Económica: Un problema social complejo y en alza. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (26), 56-66. Retrieved from


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