Desigualdad y justicia social: dimensiones e implicaciones en la violencia por razones de género en Ecuador

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Section: Artículos de investigación empírica


Abstract: This paper explores the gender violence and its most extremal form, the femicide, draw on analytical and conceptual frames of social justice. For this aim it examine some theorical and practical reflections, especially the integrative and bidimensional propose of Nancy Fraser about the redistribution and recognition dimensions, that on their more extensive and popular interpretations have link with the class and identity politics respectively. In this context, it discusses the centrality and preeminence of recognition, identity and difference demands have in feminist movements and organizations, which result is the absence of space for material dimension of gender violence. In this way, from the empirical evidence, it presents how the feminicide get more significance on the social sectors and social spaces defined for poverty, scarcity and precarity of life’s conditions. On this aim, it describes the social and material conditions of the femicide in Ecuador between august of 2014 to November of 2019.

Article Details

Sichique Valencia, M. (2023). Desigualdad y justicia social: dimensiones e implicaciones en la violencia por razones de género en Ecuador. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (26), 93-101. Retrieved from


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