Post-Pandemic Health Pattern and its Impact on Mexican Family Dynamics: Analysis from Social Work

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Section: Artículos de investigación empírica


Health crisis revealed important structural, efficiency and work environmental negative conditions and also a notable deficiencies within  the Mexican health system. Already from the post-pandemic scenario,  these problems that impact on families can be carefully analyzed from Social Work profession perspective, a profession that gained important relevance at families protection during the contingency. The main objective is to describe the articulation between families and Health System in the Mexican post-pandemic context. Therefore, for the study was applied a qualitative method through a discussion group technique with interest key profiles informants. As a remarcable result, decision makers must know the institutional particular synergy in order to achieve  progressive improvement measures to attend  professionals, rights holders and Mexican society needs face to future critical events.

Article Details

Emilia de los Ángeles Iglesias Ortuño
Author Biography

Emilia de los Ángeles Iglesias Ortuño, Universidad de Murcia

Iglesias Ortuño, E. de los Ángeles. (2024). Post-Pandemic Health Pattern and its Impact on Mexican Family Dynamics: Analysis from Social Work. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (27), 1-26. Retrieved from


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