A Normative Approach to Confronting Social Inequality

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The article proposes that a normative explanation allows us to understand why inequality can be reduced, annulled, or increased if social interaction change, even if the conditions of economic development are held constant. This is done by presenting a broad theoretical context that supports the idea of social complexity as it relates to systems of wealth distribution, about social norms in relation to the existence of inequalities in rural contexts, together with theoretical elements that allow predicting different consequences for social equality. Finally, it addresses these elements in the context of Family Farming.

Article Details

Marcela Lineros Campos
Ismael Gallardo Cuadra
Author Biographies

Marcela Lineros Campos, University of Talca

Ismael Gallardo Cuadra, University of Talca

Lineros Campos, M., & Gallardo Cuadra, I. (2024). A Normative Approach to Confronting Social Inequality. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (27), 1-20. Retrieved from https://tscuadernosdetrabajosocial.cl/index.php/TS/article/view/272


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