Conditions for the institutionalization of boys, girls and adolescents in residential centers for specialized protection

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Section: Artículos de investigación empírica


Although there are numerous studies that identify variables associated with the process of child abuse within their families, There is little information on the particular considerations that lead to their institutionalization in residential centers for specialized protection.
The objective of this research was to characterize the milestones in the family life of children who are users of residential centers in Chile and identify psychosocial variables that conditioning the institutionalization process of this population. The study approach was qualitative, under the case analysis methodology.
The results indicate that the conditioning factors of the institutionalization process are related to the permanent exposure to social precariousness of the families of children and adolescents and the intergenerational transmission of multidimensional poverty, residential mobility, disconnection with social and protective support and the violation of rights intergenerationally. It is concluded that it is important to advance in mechanisms that allow the construction of intergenerational diagnoses and to consider the conditioning factors visualized in their psychosocial approach.

Article Details

Alicia Cruzat Olavarrieta
Pablo Segovia Lagos
Carolina Cortés Catalán
Claudio Andrade Gyllen
Ximena Riesco Muñoz
Loreto Zegpi Keller
Author Biographies

Alicia Cruzat Olavarrieta, Escuela de psicología, Facultad de Ciencias sociales y Artes, Universidad Mayor, Chile

Pablo Segovia Lagos, Escuela de Psicología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Artes, Universidad Mayor Santiago de Chile

Carolina Cortés Catalán, Fundación Ciudad del Niño, Santiago de Chile

Claudio Andrade Gyllen, Fundación Ciudad del Niño, Santiago de Chile

Ximena Riesco Muñoz, Fundación Ciudad del Niño, Santiago de Chile

Loreto Zegpi Keller, Escuela de psicología, Facultad de Ciencias sociales y Artes, Universidad Mayor, Chile

Cruzat Olavarrieta, A., Segovia Lagos, P., Cortés Catalán, C., Andrade Gyllen, C., Riesco Muñoz, X., & Zegpi Keller, L. (2024). Conditions for the institutionalization of boys, girls and adolescents in residential centers for specialized protection. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (27), 1-27. Retrieved from


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