Systematization of experience: Advances towards interdisciplinarity in the legal clinic

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This study addresses a systematization of experiences regarding the implementation of a socio-legal perspective in the Legal Clinic of the Universidad San Sebastián. Using Bertalanffy's Systems Theory, it analyzes the organizational structure of the clinic as a subsystem within the university, emphasizing the interconnection between systems and the importance of the environment. It highlights the reflective process and active participation for the development of effective practices and promotes genuine interdisciplinary collaboration. The generation of knowledge aims to illustrate the potential of interdisciplinary approaches for social and legal intervention, responding to emerging needs and emphasizing the importance of adapting disciplinary practices to contemporary challenges. It concludes that it is crucial to advance methodological guidelines to transform the clinic into an interdisciplinary entity, demonstrating the need to reconsider the organizational structure to effectively incorporate socio-legal perspectives into its functioning.

Article Details

Rosario Figueroa Rodriguez
Felipe Altamirano Vasquez
Author Biographies

Rosario Figueroa Rodriguez

Felipe Altamirano Vasquez, Universidad Iberoamericana de México

Figueroa Rodriguez, R., & Altamirano Vasquez, F. (2024). Systematization of experience: Advances towards interdisciplinarity in the legal clinic. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (27), 1-19. Retrieved from


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