Teaching practices in Social Work: tensions and challenges of professional training

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Section: Artículos de investigación empírica


This paper collects the main results of a research that proposed to know the teaching practices of the Social Work undergraduate program of the Alberto Hurtado University (Chile), recognizing the teaching-learning strategies, pedagogical resources, and the contributions that the teachers themselves visualize about their curricular activities. From a qualitative approach, with an exploratory scope and through a categorical content analysis, it was possible to build three lines of argumentation of results: reflections on the teaching work and university teaching, various repertoires of teaching-learning strategies and on training and updating of knowledge by the teachers. As main conclusions, it is possible to identify that teaching practices are a complex construction between professional experiences and pedagogical knowledge. Taking the main premise that teaching-learning strategies go beyond the merely didactic field, teachers represent in their practices the transition from a training focused on knowledge, towards a training focused on learning, and therefore, teachers already have an important basis for critical reflection to incorporate more consistent strategies for teaching Social Work.

Article Details

Oscar Navarrete
Camila Véliz
Navarrete, O., & Véliz, C. (2021). Teaching practices in Social Work: tensions and challenges of professional training. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (21), 1 - 13. Retrieved from https://tscuadernosdetrabajosocial.cl/index.php/TS/article/view/178


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