Perceptions, beliefs and feelings of female higher education students about femicides and the media

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The article aims to analyze the perceptions, beliefs and feelings of female higher education students in Chile about the information transmitted by the media about femicide. Based on the data collected from 99 participants in a phenomenological qualitative research, through a survey, the deployment of correct information from the media in a broad, truthful and interdisciplinary way emerges as an ethical imperative of the events that occurred from a human rights perspective in order to form a public opinion that contributes to eradicating gender violence and femicide. However, the news about femicide arouses feelings of indignation and impotence that mobilize them to demand a social transformation, in addition to creating different horizons of beliefs about this phenomenon, manifested in processes of information exchange through social networks parallel to the officers

Article Details

Sonia Brito Rodríguez
Lorena Basualto Porra
Margarita Posada L
Rodríguez, S. B., Porra, L. B., & L, M. P. (2021). Perceptions, beliefs and feelings of female higher education students about femicides and the media. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (22), 57-71. Retrieved from


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