Systematization proposal CEAM intervention models: analysis from a gender approach to the models applied in the programs of the Abate Molina Corporation, Talca, 2021

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This article collects the main results and conclusions of the systematization of experience carried out around the intervention models with a gender approach in the Abate Molina Educational Corporation, of the city of Talca during the year 2021. The main theme around the That revolves the systematization is centered on the disciplinary models that have been incidents in the interventions of the Boys, Girls and Adolescents of each program of the corporation. The methodology used to carry out the present systematization was the methodological proposal of the academic Patricia Castañeda Meneses, complemented with other contributions from recognized authors on the subject. We worked with data from primary sources, which were collected through an in-depth interview. Among the main conclusions, it is worth highlighting the adaptability of both professionals, CEAM as well as children and adolescents to generate a positive development of the intervention carried out in the institution, generating a greater participation of the intervention subjects and more committed than usual; also the vision from CEAM professionals to establish equal opportunities for and by the subjects of intervention, establishing and motivating at the same time to work from this perspective, also recognizing how necessary it is to develop as an institution; Personal beliefs go into the background and the welfare of the intervention subject, their interests, preferences, aptitudes, among others, is put as the main focus. The constant search for the protection of the rights of children and adolescents is also recognized, generating interventions related to their contexts, experiences and individual trajectories.

Article Details

Ronald Zurita Castillo
Pamela Castro Gómez
Dancar Espina Albornoz
Castillo, R. Z., Gómez, P. C., & Albornoz, D. E. (2022). Systematization proposal CEAM intervention models: analysis from a gender approach to the models applied in the programs of the Abate Molina Corporation, Talca, 2021. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (23), 12-28. Retrieved from


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