System of Guarantees and Protection of Children's Rights ¿How do we deal with secondary victimization? Criticisms and Contributions from Therapeutic Jurisprudence

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This document will present the antecedents that gave rise to the creation of the System of Guarantees and Protection of the Rights of the Child, promulgated in Law 21,302. Based on this, its main successes will be reviewed, and illuminating from the Therapeutic Jurisprudence Paradigm, those elements that remain unchanged after the creation of the new Service. In this way, Therapeutic Jurisprudence will serve as a roadmap to identify the harmful potential of aspects that persist in the system, and that, if not modified, will continue to perpetuate the multiple practices of violations of law that, after decades of implementation, have not yet been eradicated.

Article Details

María Coloma Arenas
Arenas, M. C. (2022). System of Guarantees and Protection of Children’s Rights ¿How do we deal with secondary victimization? Criticisms and Contributions from Therapeutic Jurisprudence. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (23), 58-75. Retrieved from


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