Mental Health and Protective and Risk Factors of University Students Studying Social Work During a Pandemic Period by Covid-19

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Section: Artículos de investigación empírica


The present investigation analyzes the mental health situation in the period of the covid-19 pandemic, of university students of the Social Work career of a university in the Bío Bío region (Chile) and its link with protective and risk factors. The methodology used was quantitative in nature, with a type of non-experimental study, cross-sectional, with a descriptive correlational design and with a sample consisting of 101 students from first to fifth grade who were studying the aforementioned career regularly during the year. 2021. Among its main results, the presence of a low level of well-being and a high symptomatology associated with mental health problems in the study population is identified, where mainly aspects related to lifestyle, quality internet access and support perceived social status, are related to the mental health situation of the study population.

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Viviana Blanco Castro
Rosa Sepúlveda Saravia
Constanza Carrillo Machuca
Florencia Escala Pierart
Ana Solis Martínez
Blanco Castro, V., Sepúlveda Saravia, R., Carrillo Machuca, C., Escala Pierart, F., & Solis Martínez, A. (2022). Mental Health and Protective and Risk Factors of University Students Studying Social Work During a Pandemic Period by Covid-19. TS Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, (24), 45-61. Retrieved from


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